Piotr Szyhalski | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Piotr Szyhalski

Portrait of Piotr Szyhalski


MFA, Academy of Visual Arts
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Piotr Szyhalski is a Polish-born and trained multimedia artist working in the United States since 1990. The Minneapolis-based artist’s wide-ranging practice encompasses an array of media and genres, including drawings, posters, prints, photographs, painted murals, interactive digital media, sound art, installation, and performance. His multilayered works explore extreme historical phenomena, communication/exchange, and the relationships between the individual, society, history, and time. In 1998 he established Labor Camp, an ongoing art project guided by the motto “We Are Working All The Time!”

In addition to a major survey exhibition at the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis in 2022, his work has been exhibited at museums around the world, including the International Center of Photography, New York; MOCA Cleveland; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago; San Jose Museum of Art; ACC Galerie, Weimar; ICA Gallery, Winnipeg; LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón; steirischer herbst, Graz; Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw; and in his home city at the Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

Szyhalski’s work is in the collections of KADIST (Paris/San Francisco), Minneapolis Institute of Art, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Walker Art Center, Weisman Art Museum, and others. Recent artist monographs include COVID-19: Labor Camp Report (Frank, 2021) and Piotr Szyhalski: We Are Working All the Time! (Weisman, 2020). He is the 2021–2022 contributing artist to the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, New York, and a professor of media arts at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.