Animation Explore the world of animation. MCAD is committed to cutting-edge technology in this field, while also being one of few schools to teach hand-drawn 2D techniques. As an Animation major, you will: Learn the basics of animation and produce an animated shortExplore illustrated, stop motion, and computer-generated approaches to animationDevelop your personal animation styleMCAD Animation graduates have found positions with Nickelodeon, FOX, SyFy Channel, Disney, and more.Get a feel for the program:Interview with a 2024 animation majorView student work FAQs What type of animation will be taught? Students learn 2D and 3D stop-motion and hand-drawn animation and will be introduced to digital tools for editing and compositing their output. Students will experiment with short animated sketches through a series of exercises including ball bounce, walk cycle, and sound sync. They will also learn skills in storyboarding and composition while becoming savvy storytellers, using drawing or sculptures to spin tales. What software will I use for animation? Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effects Stop Motion Studio (free app for smartphones and tablets) What type of projects will I be working on? Students will produce an original finished animated product, 15-30 seconds in duration. To complete the project, students will choose an animation style (Traditional, Stop Motion, or After Effects) and create mood boards and storyboards that illustrate a plan for the final project.