Kara Gregory | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Kara Gregory

Portrait of Kara Gregory


BFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
MFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Current Career
Printmaker and Painter

Kara Faye Gregory is a printmaker and painter born and raised in Minneapolis. After receiving her BFA in 2014, she started her own screenprinting shop and has been an active member of the printmaking community. She taught screenprinting at a local nonprofit (2015-2016), put on various live-printing events in Minneapolis, and volunteers her time as a TA for various printmaking classes.

Art Sale Top Seller

What does it take to be a top seller at the annual MCAD Art Sale? We asked Kara Faye Gregory, one of the best of the last two decades, to talk us through her experience and share her secrets. 

Kara Faye Gregory ’14 is a printmaker born and raised in Minneapolis. After receiving her BFA, she started Ritual Print Co, a screenprinting shop that sells custom printed apparel, which she co-owns alongside her fianceé Jennifer Bowman.

What mediums do you primarily work in?

Printmaking: screenprinting, intaglio, monoprinting, and lithography.

What has MCAD meant for you in terms of launching your creative career?

It has provided me with a supportive art community.

Where are you now in your career?

My fianceé and I have started our own screenprinting business called Ritual Print Co. We are both working part-time while working on getting the screenprinting business going. 

Can you describe a memorable sale or moment from the Art Sale?

There have been so many, but last year was the most exciting year for me. I had so many great conversations with new buyers and one of my litho paintings received a Hot Pick!

What do you love about making art?

It's a break from reality.

Have you ever purchased anything from the Art Sale (or done an art swap for a piece)? Describe your favorite piece.

Two of my favorite art trades have been with Josh Meillier and Taylor Mund. They are both very driven and talented artists; their personalities come through in their work. 

What Art Sale advice would you give to young MCAD artists?

Put in twenty-five different pieces the first night and work the Art Sale. There is nothing quite like it.

Work by Kara Gregory

Work by Kara Gregory