Owen Brown | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Owen Brown

Painting, Interdisciplinary
In-person, Online, Hybrid mentor


I was born in Chicago, trained as a classical musician, took my first art class at 23, and much of what I’ve wanted to do since then has been paint. I holds degrees from Yale College and the University of Chicago, and was a degree student at California College of the Arts. I lived for over 30 years in San Francisco, where I was represented by Meridian Gallery. I paint both figuratively and abstractly, I have done software art using materials from SETI, I have done installations in Kansas, in California, and hope to do more. I currently show at Veronique Wantz (Myriorama, October – November 2023) in Minneapolis and Grand Hand in St. Paul.


I like meeting students, seeing what they’re doing, answering their questions. Sometimes even ones they hadn’t thought to ask. By the time they I get to them they are technically accomplished; although I can speak about armature, key color, and so forth, I want to know what the student wants to do, what’s impelling the student forward, what’s holding the student back. from that, more emerges. As a mentor I have the privilege of witness: Life eludes easy understanding or conclusion: what are we seeing when we really think about it and how did we miss it before?