Transportation & Parking General Information MCAD is located at 2501 Stevens Avenue, south of downtown Minneapolis and next to the Minneapolis Institute of Art. You can find the most current information about construction and detours on MnDOT's website. Call MCAD at 612.874.3700 with questions about planning your visit. The MCAD parking lot is located at 2572 2nd Ave S, the intersection of 26th Street East and Second Avenue South. There are unrestricted parking spots on the streets surrounding campus. MCAD is a private college; therefore, the parking lots and other areas of the college are private property. The operation and/or parking of any motor vehicle on campus is a privilege, not a right. The college has the right to regulate use of any motor vehicle on campus property for the good and safety of the campus community. Campus parking lots are provided for the convenience of permit holders and commuters when conducting MCAD business and for that purpose only. Who can park on campus? All commuter students, staff, faculty, and guests may utilize the hourly parking in Lot C, located at the intersection of 26th Street East and Second Avenue South. Lot C is not meant for overnight parking. Where to Park On Campus (see map) Lot A–Main-entrance Parking There are three 15-minute parking spaces, two handicap-accessible spaces, and one delivery parking space in this lot. This lot is located in front of the main entrance for quick loading and unloading of your vehicle. *Parking for loading and unloading of vehicles may also take place at the south end of Main Building at the west loading dock, with permission of Campus Safety. Lot B–Restricted/Assigned Parking Each of the numbered spaces in the parking area on the south side of Main Building and east side of The Web (2537 Stevens) apartment building is restricted and assigned to specific individuals and departments. Unauthorized vehicles parking in these spaces are subject to a ticket and tow. Lot C–Hourly Parking There are 105 parking spaces available in this lot for commuter students, staff, and faculty. This lot is located at the intersection of 26th Street East and Second Avenue South. Resident students are not allowed to park in this lot. There are five handicap-accessible spaces, three Admissions Office visitor spaces, two Institutional Advancement Office visitor spaces, and one President’s Visitor parking space. The eastern section of the parking lot has been designated for compact cars only. During the first five days of each semester, parking in Lot C will be free to allow new students, staff, and faculty to familiarize themselves with the campus. Please register your vehicle with Campus Safety to help them reach vehicle owners for snow removal or other emergencies. Lots D and E–Restricted/Assigned Parking. Unauthorized vehicles parking in these spaces are subject to a ticket and tow. How to use the parking system Commuter Anyone with a MCAD ID can use their ID to access the parking in lot C at a rate of 25 cents per hour. You will need to associate your ID to a credit or debit card. Follow instructions in this link. Guest/ General Public Entering: You will need to use your credit or debit card at the entry and exit gate at a flat rate of $6 with a 15-minute grace period. After the gate arm lifts, proceed to park in any designated space. If the gate display shows that the parking lot is “full”, drivers can still enter the lot and exit without incurring any charges as long as one exits within 15 minutes. Please do not attempt to back up onto 26th Street. Exiting: When you leave the parking lot, tap or insert credit or debit used at the exit tower. The display will show the amount you will be charged. At both the entry and exit gate, a driver can press the “press for assistance” button to speak with a Campus Safety Officer if they have any questions or problems. Cost Daily Hourly Rates: $0.25 per hour for MCAD commuters with ID $6 flat rate for guests and general public MCAD is required by the City of Minneapolis to charge for parking. The college reserves the right to alter the parking rates at any time and without notice. Visitor/Guest/ Special-Event Parking MCAD is a unique campus environment as the surrounding neighborhood blends with our campus. You will find parking opportunities both on MCAD property and Minneapolis city streets. Unannounced admissions visitors or other visitors (those who drop in without an appointment) will be allowed into Lot C. Admissions guests need to request entry via the intercom system. Any other unannounced visitors can park in Lot C and will be responsible for paying for lot fees. Validation is not an option. Hosts of scheduled visitors need to contact to arrange parking for their guests. Email must include: date(s), first and last name, vehicle make/model/plate, and owner contact info. A total of seven spots has been allocated at the Operations Building at 2601 Stevens Avenue. Parking permits will be emailed to the host for guests to place in the vehicle. For Handicap-Accessible Parking Handicap-accessible parking is available for people with a state-issued handicap parking permit. Spaces are located off of 25th Street and Stevens Avenue South and at the intersection of 26th Street East and Second Avenue South. Bus and Light Rail Metro Transit is one of the country's largest transit systems, offering an integrated network of 130 bus routes, 2 light rail lines, and a 40-mile commuter train, as well as resources for those who carpool, walk, and bike. Parking areas on campus are under video surveillance. Cameras are monitored by MCAD Campus Safety 24 hours per day. Additionally, Campus Safety performs random patrols through all parking areas. Campus Safety offers free car battery jump-starts to any MCAD community member within a two-block radius of campus. Escorts are available through the Campus Safety Department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (there may be a waiting period due to other pending service calls). Escorts should only be used for rides between the MCAD main campus and a person’s residence, parked vehicle, or bus stop/HourCar. Escorts will be made on foot when the escort is on campus or near campus, otherwise, the Campus Safety patrol vehicle will be used.Come to the Campus Safety desk in the Main building or call 612.874.3801 from off-campus (x1801 on campus) to request a jump-start or escort. Please be ready to show an MCAD identification card if the officer does not recognize you as a student, staff, or faculty member.MCAD is not responsible for lost or stolen items left in vehicles parked on campus. The college is also not responsible for the theft of or damage to any vehicle while parked on campus