User Experience (UX) Design Certificate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

User Experience (UX) Design Certificate

Fully online. Learn UX (User Experience) principles and strategies, and how they apply to mobile apps and UX design systems.

Total cost: $1400 noncredit, $2,202–$3,847 for 1.5-5 credits, depending on course selection.

Person at desk working on computer


  • Design and implement contemporary UX designs using contemporary wireframe, versioning, and iterative design practices.
  • Research, compile, and write persona and scenario documents with regards to UX.
  • Implement User and Stakeholder research in the design and implementation of UX designs.
  • Utilize fundamental content organization and best practices within UX design.

COURSES: Take 2 of the following.

First take:

  • User Experience (UX) Concepts and Mobile Apps (8 weeks, meets twice per week, $700 noncredit, $1,282 for 1.5 credit)


  • Graduate Level User Experience Design (15 weeks, meets once per week, $1,210 noncredit, $2,556 for 3 credits)

Followed by:

  • User Experience (UX) Design Systems and Prototyping Concepts (8 weeks, meets twice per week, $700 noncredit, $1,282 for 1.5 credit)