Continuing Education: Figure Drawing Co-op Try Your Handat Drawingthe Human FigureMCAD's Figure Drawing Co-op is an open, ongoing session for anyone over the age of 16 interested in drawing from the live nude model. While an MCAD staff member is present to facilitate, there is no instruction provided. Drawing horses and easels are available. Participants are responsible for bringing their own drawing supplies. Throughout the year, Continuing Education sponsors the Figure Drawing Co-op, open drawing sessions for anyone interested in drawing from the live nude model. No instruction is provided. Open to students ages 16 and above. Please review figure drawing co-op guidelines as well as complete class policies, before attending a session.Enter through the North entrance of the Main Building and proceed across the skyway to room 109 in the Morrison Building.Spring ScheduleFebruary 2 – April 28Sundays, 1:00–5:00 p.m.Mondays, 7:00–9:00 p.m.No co-op on Sunday, March 16 or Monday, March 17 due to MCAD Spring Break.Drawing horses and easels are available.Daily Drop-In Rates (cash or check only):General public: $8 for Sundays, $6 for MondaysStudents enrolled in an MCAD Continuing Education class: $5Current MCAD undergraduate and graduate students w/ID: FREEMCAD alumni, faculty, staff: $5High School students: $4Semester Unlimited Passes are also available:SUNDAYS: $92, all studentsMONDAYS: $63, all studentsSUNDAYS and MONDAYS: $154, all studentsQuestions?Contact MCAD Continuing Education at or call 612.874.3765.Are you interested in working as a figure model at MCAD? Please email with the subject line Figure Model Application.