Health and Wellness Creating a sense of balance in a busy college life serves everyone well. So it’s important to stay fit in mind and body. For that reason, all students have 24/7 access to the Fitness Center, weekly yoga classes, and counseling by appointment. 24-Hour Fitness Center Treadmill Ellipticals Recumbent bike Weights and workout bench Exercise balls Punching bag and gloves Strength equipment/multi-gym Aerobic step Flat-screen television with cable On-Campus Yoga Everyone can unwind, let go, and stretch during a free weekly yoga session with a trained instructor. Spa/Health Days During key times throughout the semester, massage therapists, hair stylists, and other health-related businesses bring their discounted services to campus. Student Counseling and Wellness Mental Health Services Student Counseling and Wellness staff welcome all undergraduate and MFA graduate students. They provide supportive and confidential counseling to assist students in managing personal, relational, and social challenges, as well as mental health concerns. Services are free of charge; they include individual and group counseling, supportive listening and feedback, consultation, and guidance during a crisis or stressful times. The staff also offers assistance with referrals for outside resources and helps navigate students’ medical insurance networks. MCAD counselors are all Minnesota-licensed, mental-health providers. Counseling services are available Monday through Friday during fall and spring semesters. Staff includes: + Licensed Psychologist + Licensed Clinical Social Worker + Licensed Professional Counselor Wellness Outreach and Activities Student Counseling and Wellness staff sponsor events for anyone who wants to participate including a weekly Wellness Table in the Student Center, Sleep Awareness, Making Friends, Managing Stress, Nutrition, and more. Our student staff members provide peer-to-peer information, materials, and events related to college student health and self-care. In addition, the student counseling staff offers educational and skill-strengthening workshops related to student wellness at MCAD.