Harry Gao | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Harry Gao

MFA Mentor Image Harry Gao
Harry Gao

Comic Arts
In-person, Hybrid


Harry Gao was born in China and raised in Indiana and Kentucky. Once, they studied moral philosophy and ecology; cooked noodles; and sold produce. Now, they draw stories (under the name 'sunshine gao') examining home, the heart, everyday ethics–and the frailty of the narratives we tell about them. In spite of everything, they believe the world can be made a beautiful place.


Ask yourself: why are you making the work you're making? Who is it for? Why does it matter to them, and how? I firmly believe that art is about communication and connection, rather than commercial success. Make good and worthwhile work first; everything else follows. In my own life and practice, I value curiosity, introspection, discipline, and skill. I enjoy cultivating these things with students and pushing them farther than they think they can go...if the interest and commitment are there.