Sam Gould | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Sam Gould

Sam Gould

Graphic Design, Interdisciplinary, Social Practice, Critical Theory, Critical Spatial Practices
In-person, Hybrid mentor


Artist and organizer Sam Gould co-founded the cultural collective Red76, conceived the neighborhood based initiative Beyond Repair, and is a co-founder and lead editor of Confluence: An Eastlake Studio for Community Design in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


The greater part of my work has been informed through mentorship, collaboration, and conversation. Artists should seek out guides to help them unpack and understand their ideas and impulses. In turn, artists should always seek to do the same for others. In mentoring, I tend to focus on critical strategies, our connections to history, craft, place, and most especially intent. Focusing on why we pursue and cultivate our practices helps us better understand our intent and allows us to refine our craft to its elemental drives.