Printmaking Explore the world of printmaking and work in MCAD’s state of the art Printmaking Studio. Learn and create prints, paper and books in this dynamic fine art major. As a Printmaking major, you will: Learn basic printmaking in relief and screenprinting, simple bookbinding and papermaking techniques. By investigating traditional processes, new technologies and historical context, develop your own creative voice and personal style. Sharpen your technical drawing skills. MCAD’s Print Paper Book graduates have many paths to explore including curator, printmaker and illustrator. FAQsWhat type of final projects will I be working on?Students will create multiple prints learning basic printmaking techniques in relief (linocut or woodblock) and screenprinting. Students will learn the fundamentals for papermaking and book binding. In their final project, students will creatively meld skills learned across the disciplines of printmaking, papermaking, and book binding.What type of materials will I use?The Printshop features all areas of printmaking for students at MCAD. In this class, students will be using the Screenprinting and Relief areas to create their prints. The Papermaking Studio features two separate workspaces for students to create paper. Students will be taught how to make sheets of paper and also experiment with pulp painting on hand formed sheets of paper.The Printshop uses oil based and water based inks, water-based screenprinting inks, and non-toxic clean up methods. The Printshop conducts ongoing research in an effort to use the safest printmaking processes available.Printmaking Majors pay an additional $150 material fee to cover the cost of supplies. Here is a list of supplies covered by the material fee. What other types of classes will be offered outside of my major class?All students will take foundation classes in the morning and major classes in the afternoon. Foundation classes include art history and observational drawing.