Alumni Feature / Andrew Allison '13 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Feature / Andrew Allison '13

Written by Kay Heino

Over the winter break I was given the wonderful opportunity to connect with some past MFA alumni of MCAD and see what they have been up to as of late. Andrew Allison '13 was the first person to respond to my email over the holiday season, and I would like to give a big thanks for the fast reply. Now with that said let's get to the Q&A that was created between us.


Which year did you graduate and what brought you to MCAD for your MFA?


I graduated in 2013. I liked how the mentor/ mentee program sounded and appreciated the student work that I saw. I also heard that it tended to be rather cold in the winter and felt like freezing.


How did your creative practice change while you were at MCAD?


Everything opened up. I went in as a painting major and ended up doing more sculpture than painting (which I had hardly done at all before arriving at MCAD).


Do you have a favorite memory from your time in the program?


There was so much time to research. I remember coming across Tetsumi Kudo in the MCAD library for the first time. His work changed my life and I have MCAD to thank for that. I may have eventually found his work but it was really the perfect time for me.


What is next? Any new projects or life events that are in the pipeline?


I recently finished a 40'x7' painting on cotton that is currently on display at SPACE gallery (downtown Pittsburgh) as part of a group show co-organized by Hannah Turpin and Dave Zak. Happy to be a full-time artist. I'm currently editing and fusing a copy of the archaic and disturbing Psychopathia Sexualis with my personal writings and poems, we'll see what happens.


Do you have any links you'd like us to share with the post?


Instagram: @andrew.william.allison
