May Ling Kopecky '22 - "Invisible Obstacles" | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

May Ling Kopecky '22 - "Invisible Obstacles"

Written by Alexis Schramel | Photos by Eric Butler

Congratulations to May Ling Kopecky '22 on her solo exhibition, Invisible Obstacles, at the MCAD Library! May Ling uses paintings and drawings as tools to visualize her thoughts. Her work is influenced by her experience with pediatric-onset Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Through her realistic visual narratives, she explores themes of transition, stability, and comfort. Her goal is to spread MS awareness and advocate for people with "invisible" illnesses.

During the Invisible Obstacles exhibition, May Ling explores the "proof" of multiple sclerosis through her MRI scan paintings. Her work gives visualization to symptoms and brings a deeper awareness of MS through the use of paintings and drawings. Many congrats to May Ling on this exciting and informative exhibition!

