Mid-program Reviews 2022 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Mid-program Reviews 2022

To my fellow graduating class peers of 2023, Congratulations, WE COMPLETED MID PROGRAM REVIEW! We are now moving on to our thesis work starting in the fall.

Set up across all the main MFA gallery, the hallways, and the studio spaces upstairs and downstairs, we set up all our different installations. Paintings, video, lights, textiles, and prints filled the MFA building for that week! It felt almost like a museum, It was absolutely beautiful.

From my experience, I thought my review time with the critics went super well. I had great feedback from everyone and had a great lively conversation. I'm very glad with how it went, and I even thought the paper portion wasn't that hard either. The flexibility of this component made it work really well for me. But let me say, I am glad it is over! I'm ready to move on and get working on the next part: thesis! And I cant wait to meet the new 1st year students in the fall. 
