Image Alumni '21 Degree BFA Areas of Study Drawing and Painting Website Social Media @EmmaLeKonrad Current Career Ceramicist, self employed Location St. Paul, MN Personal PronounsShe/HerDescribe what you do for work and how your experience with it has been.I am a self-employed ceramicist. I have worked with clay for over a decade, but it’s only become a source of income for me within the last 3 years. I participate in local art fairs and have several retail relationships. How did you get your job?I took a ceramics class during a semester off at MCAD and immediately after that ended, I signed up for a studio membership at Fired Up Studios in Golden Valley. I built my practice alongside finishing my degree and after graduation, I was hired at the studio as a studio technician. This place taught me how to run a clay studio in an efficient, safe, and productive way. I have taken those skills into my personal studio and am now running my own ceramics business! What was your major and how did you choose it?My major was Drawing and Painting. I chose it because I have always had a deep love for both drawing and painting and had hoped to go on to get an M.ED and K-12 licensure. However, graduating in a pandemic curbed the desire to teach in K-12 schools. I got a lot out of my program, and I feel like I apply those skills to my current work every day.Who was your favorite faculty member and why?Howard Quednau was my favorite faculty member. The way he approaches critique and art education was so helpful for my journey as a student. He takes a deep investment in his students’ work and really meets them where they’re at. I think about his insights into painting while working on my own paintings. Best thing you ever found on the free shelf?I found the most beautiful wood and green leather chair that I currently use as a desk chair in my studio! It’s lasted me for over 5 years; I’m hoping it’ll last a few more. What have you learned since graduating from MCAD?I’ve learned that an arts practice can look like a lot of things! I had this really linear idea of what an arts career would look like, and learning to embrace various progression-driven pathways has helped me to address the ever-looming imposter syndrome. Not everyone’s art journey can or will look the same. Did MCAD prepare you for life after graduation? In what way?Yes and no. I feel like I had a good insight into what to expect for finding various opportunities and generally how to talk about art in a meaningful way. However, my last semester was COVID. There was a pretty strong feeling that things wouldn’t be the same, and to a degree, I think that was true. So many community-led events have come together since Covid, and navigating through the art market is a little different than I was expecting. Is there anything you wish you knew when you were an MCAD student?I wish I knew not to take everything with me. I left my program feeling quite overwhelmed with the information I’d been taught over the last four years, only to realize that not all of it would be useful for my personal art career. Also! Take advantage of the facilities! Demand access to the sewing room, inquire about the kilns, and really make sure you’re using your building access. Your biggest takeaway from MCAD?Show up! I regrettably missed a lot of classes that I wish I had just shown up for. Further, I wish I had shown up to more events on and off campus.What accomplishment are you most proud of?I am so proud to have expanded my studio! I have my own kiln, wheel, and show room. It’s been a long time building, but I’m so excited to have a dedicated creative space.What inspires you/your work?I really love functional work. Work that people can envision themselves or others using. I am also inspired by retro and midcentury design! How do you network yourself and your art?Art fairs are a huge networking opportunity. Meeting booth neighbors or selling to someone new is such a good way to make an impression with both the art and myself. What was your experience living in the Twin Cities? Any hidden treasures?I love the Twin Cities! I grew up in the west suburbs, so close but ultimately didn’t spend too much time before MCAD. But the best treasure is Sea Salt! Incredible food, beautiful location, and just a short walk from the dog park.What do you miss about being a student at MCAD?Dave’s Chicken TendersWhat advice do you have for current MCAD students and/or artists at the beginning of their creative careers?Keep making, don’t be afraid to throw something away, and photograph everything!