Image Alumni '95 Education BFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design Website Current Career Self-Employed, Full-Time Artist Location Minneapolis, MN Describe what you do for work and how your experience with it has been. I have been a full-time artist (painting, sculpture and prints) and art instructor in Minneapolis for over 27 years teaching encaustic painting. It's been a rewarding challenge to build my art business and work primarily on commission. My work is in many corporate and private art collections around the world. My work is represented in many galleries and I work with art consultants to place my work. How did you get your job? Started my art business May 1996. Where are you originally from and how did you hear about MCAD? I'm originally from Bismarck, North Dakota, and moved to Minneapolis to pursue an arts degree. What was your major and how did you choose it? My major was switched to Printmaking/drawing after starting in painting. MCAD introduced me to many types of art in the foundation studies, and I chose printmaking due to the instructors (Jody Williams) at the time. I loved the process of making multiple originals and the variety of printmaking mediums such as relief, monotypes and screenprinting. Who was your favorite faculty member and why? Jody Williams - She was very supportive to each artist in our classes to find their own way artistically and made the process of learning fun! She was also a working artist which gave me valuable insight into what it takes to be an artist in Minneapolis and make your living from what you do. Describe your internship(s). I interned for two years with Aldo Moroni, sculptor, which was a valuable experience since he was a lifetime artist making his living from his ceramic sculptures. I learned studio practices and the discipline to make work consistently in the studio. He also showed me how to find venues for my work to sell and show. Best thing you ever found on the free shelf? Lots of paper for printmaking. Did MCAD prepare you for life after graduation? In what way? Yes, but it was really the personal conversations with instructors and the internship that gave me the experience I needed to be a full-time artist. In hindsight, I wish there were more business classes and visiting artists to share their experience to support making work commercially. MCAD taught me to figure out my own style of working and exposed me to many mediums. There was a lot of promoting the idea of not selling out, but it's a balance of being true to your art and making it commercially. Your biggest takeaway from MCAD? A sense of art community and a pride that I graduated from an art school It gives me credibility of confidence now as an artist. What inspires you/your work? My work is nature-inspired (trees, landscapes, floral, seed shapes) and I explore this idea in many mediums of painting, photography and sculpture. My work ranges from abstract contemporary to more representational. How do you network yourself and your art? I attend gallery openings locally and contact galleries and art consultants nationally whenever I travel to establish relationships. Once a month, I send new work via email to a list of previous clients and art reps to keep my work top of mind for future commercial art projects. What was your experience living in the Twin Cities? Any hidden treasures? Minneapolis has a good base of art appreciators which makes it possible to make a living here. I feel I am unique in that I am an extroverted artist so I seek out networking, marketing and art selling opportunities. I'm also a curator at the Kolman & Reeb Gallery and curate quarterly shows at the Bridgewater Lofts in Minneapolis. Lastly, do you have a favorite interview question we didn't ask? I loved my time at MCAD to focus on my work and myself. It was a gift of time. News about Jodi Reeb 23 November 2024Encaustic paintings by MCAD Alumni featured at "Open Casket" 29 September 2024Reeb Exposing "Landscapes" at St. Mary's University 01 August 2024Join Jodi Reeb for an Art Workshop in Egypt: Paint Abstracts and Portraits While Floating Down the Nile View all news