Nicholas Dahl | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Nicholas Dahl

Portrait of Nicholas Dahl


BS in Visualization
Current Career
Senior Producer at Instrument
Oregon, USA

What do you do for work and how do you feel about it?

I am a senior producer at Instrument, a digital brand and experience company.

How did you get your job?

Networking with friends and other MCAD alumni in the Pacific Northwest. I also kept in contact with my current employer over the years after initially meeting them five years ago.

What inspires you/your work?

Culture. The world that surrounds me. People.

Why did you choose the bachelor of science program? Was it the right choice?

The hybrid program allowed me to cast a wide net into options and mediums that I wanted to explore and work within.

#Bringtherain North Face app design by Nicholas Dahl

What was your most memorable MCAD experience?

All of Jerry Allan's classes. All of the wisdom and insight he has shared is priceless.

Best thing you ever got/saw on the free shelf?

A Santa costume.

What was it like working with "real-world" clients while still in school? Did you have a favorite?

There were a few. Tru2U being one that stands out, as it led me to my first job.

Can you briefly describe one or more of your internships?

I worked at a magazine publisher in downtown Minneapolis called METRO. It was a great learning experience and I learned that art direction/print design wasn't the right fit for me and my career.

Did MCAD prepare you for life after graduation? In what way?

In most regards, yes. The bachelor of science program had thrown us into the mix of working with clients and managing our own lives/work.

Has your work evolved since leaving MCAD?

Yes, the platforms and mediums have shifted a ton!

What advice do you have for current MCAD students?

Try as many things as you can while in college. Experiment and have more than one internship.

How do you network?

Go to events. Keep active on social platforms.

Do the Twin Cities offer many opportunities for creatives?

The Midwest is a nice melting pot of passion, hard-working and creative.

Current obsession?

Day hikes.

In your own words, what is a self-portrait?

A reflection of how you perceive yourself to be.

Name your one biggest takeaway from MCAD?

It's okay to try something and not like it and there is no failure, it's only learning/growth.



"Couch of Rock" website design by Nicholas Dahl