Image Alumni ’21 Degree Bachelor of Fine Arts Areas of Study Drawing and Painting Class of 1978 Drawing and Painting Merit Scholarship $2,000 Liberal Arts Merit Award Scholarship $2,000 Patricia B Saunders Merit Scholarship $3,000 How are you going to celebrate your win? Dancing with my pug! What kind of work are you excited to make next? Everything—I'm working on trying abstraction so hopefully some pieces different from my current work. What made you choose to come to MCAD? My family lives in Minnesota, and I appreciate that MCAD focuses on helping people become life long creatives. Instagram
Class of 1978 Drawing and Painting Merit Scholarship $2,000 Liberal Arts Merit Award Scholarship $2,000 Patricia B Saunders Merit Scholarship $3,000 How are you going to celebrate your win? Dancing with my pug! What kind of work are you excited to make next? Everything—I'm working on trying abstraction so hopefully some pieces different from my current work. What made you choose to come to MCAD? My family lives in Minnesota, and I appreciate that MCAD focuses on helping people become life long creatives.