Faculty Forum: Designing Collaboratively with Scientists (Arlene Birt) | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Faculty Forum: Designing Collaboratively with Scientists (Arlene Birt)

Auditorium 140
Artist Talk
Arlene Birt

Design can play a powerful role in bringing consensus – particularly on difficult topics such as climate change. To build cooperation to adapt to climate change, creatives must adopt processes that allow for community engagement and dialogue.

Reports produced by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) may be one of the most intensive examples of collaboration that exists at the global stage. These reports are collaboratively authored by hundreds of climate scientists who assess thousands of scientific literature about climate change. These reports are reviewed, collaboratively edited, and adopted by 195 governments before they are published.

Designing in this environment is like working for hundreds of design clients at once. As an information designer involved with an IPCC report and creating numerous other social and environmental visuals through her company, Background Stories, Birt shares the challenges and opportunities of designing visuals in global collaborative spaces: In environments where the ‘messiness’ of the creative design process must flex to accommodate multiple rounds of iteration, collaboration, and the mandated UN procedures. We’ll explore processes and techniques to find agreement in collaborations where the precise wording of science conflicts with evolving creative flow.