Visiting Artist Lecture: monome | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Visiting Artist Lecture: monome

Auditorium 150
Visiting Artist Lecture
Visiting Artist Lecture: monome

Brian Crabtree and Kelli Cain founded monome in 2005, pioneering the grid-based performance interface. This open-source tool encourages people to envision and build their own musical systems, fostering an international community where people share code, sounds, and ideas. More recently monome is exploring new territory in the modular synthesis environment with radically different ways for artists to relate to their instruments.

Brian and Kelli's work has shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in addition to numerous international performances. They live in upstate New York where time is shared with apple orchards, shiitake stacks, and birds of all size and color and song.

Performance by Crabtree and Cain
Monday, February 25, 7:30 p.m.
College Center