Katie Maren Nelson | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Katie Maren Nelson

Portrait of Katie Nelson


Associate Professor
BFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Katie Nelson is a freelance animator and director who specializes in animated and live-action commercials, music videos, shorts, and feature films.

Her clients include Subway, 3M, Minnesota Children's Theater Company, Purina, Sherwin Williams, and Roundy's. Her latest music video work has been for the bands Low and Hey Ocean.

Whether abstract or narrative, stop motion or mixed media, Nelson's focus remains making work with daring visuals and inspirational stories.

Describe what you do for work and how your experience with it has been.

I am passionate about all things animation so when I’m not on a job site animating, I’m teaching it, watching it or creating it for fun! I feel lucky to be able to do what I love and pour everything I have into whatever it is I’m doing.

How did you get your job?

Many of the jobs I receive come from people I have networked with over the years. They’ve seen my work, know my passion, and if they have a job I might be interested in they refer me or hire me.