Lighting / Accessories / Housewares | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Lighting / Accessories / Housewares

This course introduces students to a mix of real-world products, such as tableware, home decor, personal accessories, lighting, etc., in which appearance is a primary consideration. Assignments will focus on developing appropriate expressive qualities, techniques for form generation and development, iterative refinement of form, appearance models, and attractive presentation of work. Students will integrate new sketching, model-making, and prototyping materials and techniques. Students are encouraged to incorporate a broad spectrum of materials such as plastics, metals, woods, castables, glass, and stone.The class includes studio experiments with light (including lamps and atypical light sources), wiring, and electrical safety. Lectures and demonstrations support class activities.

Course Number
FURN 3020
Introduction to Product and Furniture Design; or faculty permission