2022 Merit Scholarship Recipient: Lydia Egge | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

2022 Merit Scholarship Recipient: Lydia Egge

July 26, 2022
Abstract wooden stool

Senior, Furniture Design
Dean Wilson Art of Making Furniture Merit Scholarship $2,000
Otsego, Minnesota

Describe the work you submitted for merits.

It showed my experimentation with materials, repetition, and anthropomorphic forms

Two pieces by Lydia: Left, and abstract red stool; right: a sculpture of a lamb

Why did you decide to come to MCAD?

My high school art teacher recommended it to me!

Two pieces by Lydia: left, a colorful abstract sculpture; right, an abstract shaped chair

What are your plans for your senior year? And beyond?

Experimentation with color and surface. I really want to explore and integrate patterns into my work.

Two chairs by Lydia: left, stool with embroidered seat; right, wood abstract stool with clear blue seat

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