2024 Merit Scholarship Recipient: Teagan Greene | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

2024 Merit Scholarship Recipient: Teagan Greene

April 21, 2024
merit work recipient Teagan Greene
Teagan Greene

Senior, Photography
Media Arts Merit Scholarship
White Bear Lake, Minnesota

merit work Teagan Greene
merit work Teagan Greene

Describe the work you submitted for merits.

"I am the Best Photographer you will Meet" (pictured above), is my response to what was said to me by a male photographer after photographing the QueerCore punk band Surly Grrly. I think it's important to call out how these words make us who hear them feel and how disgusting they are.

"Mothers" (pictured below, left side) is about my realization of the roles the women in my family have had to take on and my frustrations and appreciation of that.

"MY destruction" (pictured below, ride side) is a series of photographs that have been crumpled, soaked, and scrubbed. It is about the feeling of not wanting my body to be perceived - getting rid of the view of my body through destruction.

Why did you decide to come to MCAD?

By chance I ended up in a photo class at community college, and loved to so much I decided I wanted to keep learning more. Melissa Borman, my professor at the time, pushed me to apply. I never had seen myself as a "good enough artist" to go to art school, but here I am!

What are your plans for your senior year? And beyond?

To keep making work I am excited about.

Favorite thing about college life (so far)?

All the amazing photo friends I have made!!

What inspires you?

My friends, books, and music.

merit work Teagan Greene
merit work Teagan Greene


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