Alumni Chosen for Hyperallergic's Top 50 Exhibitions of 2022 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Chosen for Hyperallergic's Top 50 Exhibitions of 2022

January 12, 2023
Paintings and an ink drawing by Julie Buffalohead
Julie Buffalohead

Nyack by Peter Williams ’75 and Noble Coyotes by Julie Buffalohead ’95 have been selected by Hyperallergic as part of the Top 50 Exhibitions of 2022.

Nyack is the first posthumous presentation of Williams' artwork spanning approximately twenty years. The exhibition showcases Williams' ability to tackle the most challenging personal and political subjects in his paintings.

Noble Coyotes is Buffalohead's first showing in San Francisco. She brings her renowned visual narratives featuring a familiar cast of animal characters to the exhibition through oil paintings and ink drawings.

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