April 18, 2022 Image Betsy Alwin Adjunct faculty member Betsy Alwin is featured in the solo exhibition Hanging in the Balance at the Rosalux Gallery.Alwin is a sculptor living and working in Minnesota. After a tough couple of years, Alwin's studio work emerges with an exhibition showing new sculpture and prints made during this tumultuous time. Much of this work comes out of a desire (or frustration) to visually articulate her thoughts that vacillated between hope and dread; anger and capitulation; abjection and conviction.Alwin is a fiscal year 2022 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.Hanging in the BalanceRosalux Gallery (Minneapolis, MN)On view through April 24Gallery Event: April 23, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.Check out the virtual event via Alwin's InstagramLearn moreHanging in the BalanceAlwin's Instagrambetsyalwin.com Explore more about Betsy Alwin