Gather Around at the Summer Zine Fest! | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Gather Around at the Summer Zine Fest!

By Ngan Huynh on July 18, 2022
Zine Fest at the MCAD Lawn

Even with the humidity and unexpected weather changes, nothing could stop the MCAD Zine Fest from happening this past weekend on the MCAD Lawn.

Hosted by the student-run MCAD Comic Club, the Zine Fest was a success with approximately 30 artists along with hundreds of beautiful, amazing artworks. The artists included current MCAD students as well as invited alumni. The Zine Fest is held in collaboration with the exhibition Drawn, Inked, Printed & Bound: Books, Comics, & Zine Culture at MCAD. Although I came to the fest about two hours before it ended, there were a lot of people hanging around, searching for a new artsy haul. Visitors were able to make conversation with the artists about their works as well as get a sneak peek at the zines to see what they like.

Comic Arts student Ngoc Doan at Zine Fest

Comic Art student Ngoc Doan at Zine Fest

However, don't let the name of the event fool you—the range of artwork goes beyond zines! Many artists offer beautiful art prints in various sizes. Smaller items like buttons, stickers, comics, and postcards were very popular items as well. Third-year Comic art student Ngoc Doan (she/they) is one of the artists who was selling both comics and little stickers.

Comic Arts student Soleil Conner and alum Gaelen Elliot at Zine Fest

Comic Art student Soleil Conner and alum Gaelen Elliot at Zine Fest

I was able to grab a hold of Gaelen Elliot (she/her), an MCAD alum who help to organize this summer’s Zine Fest.

“I wanted to make a zine fest because when I was a freshman, there was a bunch of zines shows happening but it was all indoors. When COVID happens, it was harder for these shows to run so I want to make a similar type of event but make it outdoor. I also just enjoy table-ing and catching up with friends from these events.”

Gaelen also shares that she wants the zine fest to continue operating for many years since it's not too complicated for incoming MCAD seniors to run them.

Senior Comic student Soleil Conner (he/they) was table-ing with Gaelen and shares that this is his first time participating in the Zine Fest but it was a really great experience. He enjoys seeing the real-time reaction of the people as they're reading his zine works as well as being able to connect to them personally.

Fine Arts student Max Paulin and Illustration student Ella Parish at Zine Fest

Fine Art Studio student Max Paulin and Illustration student Ella Parish at Zine Fest

I asked some participants what kind of work they have for the Zine Fest.

Fine Arts student Max Paulin (he/they) shares that he actually makes zines specifically for the Zine Fest out of drawings pulled from his personal sketchbook. He also has a zine consisting of all of his 2020 Knightober works. “I also love how this opportunity gives me a chance to talk to other people, like the PCSS students or their families. It’s great to see people around the community.”

Comic Arts student JB van Overbeek and Toxic Metal Press at Zine Fest

Comic Art student JB van Overbeek and Toxic Metal Press at Zine Fest

Third-year Comic Arts student JB van Overbeek (he/him) was table-ing with his internship, Toxic Metal Press, a comic collective that publishes works online. He has many small comics and zines for sale, including an anthology named Uncanthology about the daily life of a boar.When asked what were some of the highlights of the Zine Fest, many artists shared that they enjoy talking to people and being in the same space as other zine enthusiasts.

Izzy French and Illustration student Abri Simone at Zine Fest

Izzy French and Illustration student A. Simone at Zine Fest

Izzy French (she/her) says, “I love to meet many new artists! During the school year, we were all so busy that it feels like we didn't have enough time to hang out with each other. But here, we’re able to follow each other and make all the art trades and it's great! Even if I don't sell a lot then I still just make a bunch of new art friends.”

Some of the artworks at Zine Fest

Some of the artworks at Zine Fest

The Zine Fest was also a great opportunity for me to check in on MCAD friends and sneak a look at the projects they’ve been working on over summer break. You never know where the conversation can lead! Overall, it was such a cute little circle of familiar faces and talented works. I was able to haul another mini collection of artworks and it really makes my day. Minneapolis is known by many people for its art festivals during summer so it's such a treat to have this lovely event happening right under MCAD’s roof, by the MCAD community!