Kathryn Savage Explores Victoria Blanco's "Out of the Sierra" | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Kathryn Savage Explores Victoria Blanco's "Out of the Sierra"

July 21, 2024
Victoria Blanco's "Out of the Sierra"

Kathryn Savage, assistant professor of creative writing at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, delves into Victoria Blanco's powerful narrative, Out of the Sierra: A Story of Rarámuri Resistance, in an interview published by BOMB Magazine. 

Blanco's book documents the Rarámuri people's challenges in Chihuahua, Mexico, navigating displacement, cultural preservation, and environmental adversity, highlighting their journey from the Sierra Madre mountains to El Oasis and emphasizing women's roles in traditional dressmaking as a form of resistance and community resilience against assimilation into modern Mexican society.

Savage is acclaimed for her exploration of environmental justice and public health in her award-winning book Groundglass: An Essay, recognized as a standout in ecological literature and featured in prestigious publications including Orion Magazine and Lit Hub. Her extensive contributions to Ecotone, Guernica, VQR, and World Literature Today further highlight her influence on contemporary literary discourse.

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