MCAD to Host Screening of "Political Advertisement 1952-2024" | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

MCAD to Host Screening of "Political Advertisement 1952-2024"

October 18, 2024
Political Advertisement, Stevenson 1956

The Minneapolis College of Art and Design invites the public to a special screening of Political Advertisement 1952-2024 by renowned filmmakers Marshall Reese and Antoni Muntadas.

The film explores the evolution of political advertising over the decades, examining its impact on public perception and the democratic process. Following the screening, Reese and Muntadas will discuss their insights into the role of media in shaping political discourse, moderated by MCAD faculty Craig Rice ’76.

Muntadas, born in Barcelona in 1942 and based in New York since 1971, explores social, political, and communication issues, particularly the dynamics between public and private spaces. He utilizes various media—including photography, video, and multimedia installations—to address themes of censorship and the dissemination of ideas.

Reese is a Brooklyn-based artist known for his work in video, information networks, and public art. Since the mid-1980s, he has collaborated with Nora Ligorano as LigoranoReese, exploring the impact of technology on society and political rhetoric.

Political Advertisement 1952-2024 Screening
October 24, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
In Auditorium 150

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