PCSS 2024 Student Profile: Ramona Webb, Character Design and Concept Art Major | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

PCSS 2024 Student Profile: Ramona Webb, Character Design and Concept Art Major

September 20, 2024
Louisa Way

What surprised you the most about the Pre-College Summer Session?

How soon I felt like a part of MCAD. I made connections very fast and soon the routine felt comfortable with the perfect amount of artistic challenge.

What aspect of the program had the biggest impact on you?

All of the people in the program; the teachers, advisors and peers. They encouraged and pushed me creatively in a way that I’ve never felt before. They’ve made me a more confident artist and think differently about how to critique and speak about my art.

How has your artistic practice changed from being a part of the program?

It made me think more purposefully while I’m creating art. What are my goals? How could I achieve them? Where else can I take this concept? Planning has become more standard for me as well as trying new processes and exploring other mediums.

What was your favorite experience outside of the classroom?

Definitely exploring all the fun activities to do during free time with the wonderful people that I met. There are so many opportunities to connect with new people and create special memories. We put on our own figure drawing session after hours and had a ton of fun sketching and modeling for each other.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about coming to the Pre-College Summer Session at MCAD?

Don’t doubt your own talent. Trust me, everyone is worried about how their art is being perceived, but it’s easy to overcome that with all the support from everyone at MCAD. Also, use all the awesome resources at MCAD while you’re there because it goes by fast!!