Pre-College Summer Session Student Profile: Bleu Gonzalez | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Pre-College Summer Session Student Profile: Bleu Gonzalez

October 03, 2018
Portrait of Bleu Gonzalez.

Pre-College Summer Session: Graphic Design

What surprised you the most about the Pre-College Summer Session (PCSS)?

I would say what surprised me the most was the welcoming atmosphere of the teachers and the students. Of course there were some people I didn't get along with, which is to be expected from any program involving lots of people, but all in all, I made new friends and really enjoyed the people there!

What aspect of the program has had the biggest impact on you?

The biggest impact the program had on me was probably gaining the knowledge that I was able to do more with my design than simple poster and sticker design. I created a new body positivity project with my pictures and my work, which lots of people have already seen and liked!

Bleu shows work in one of MCAD's computer labs. Photo by Grace Olson.

Bleu shows work in one of MCAD's computer labs. Photo by Grace Olson. 

How has your artistic practice changed from being a part of the program?

My practice has changed in the sense that now I use more than simply Illustrator and the programs I'm used to. For my project, I was forced to work heavily in Photoshop and InDesign which really helped me hone my skills in the practice of graphic design. 

What was your favorite experience, outside of the classroom?

One of the best experiences I had outside the classroom was the last Friday night when some of the staff and students put together a talent show. Sadly, I didn't go to the actual show, seeing as though I was playing the most ridiculous game of dungeons and dragons ever, but I was able to go afterwards to karaoke, which was lots of fun, even considering how horrible of a singer I am.

Bleu's response to the What's In Your Bag? prompt. Photo by Grace Olson.

Bleu's response to the What's In Your Bag? prompt. Photo by Grace Olson.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about coming to PCSS?

I think some advice I would would give would be to follow the rules that are set in place. Also, bring nail clippers. No one warns you about cutting your nails, and then you have to get creative and have a real college experience of DIY hygiene.