Sagar's "Sight Between" On Display At Form+Content Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Sagar's "Sight Between" On Display At Form+Content Gallery

September 25, 2024
A light abstract drawing of horses.

Michal Sagar ’96, MFA, will be presenting a new exhibition at the Form+Content Gallery in Minneapolis.

The exhibition is titled Sight Between, a mixed media installation using drawings, clay, and suspended elements. In Sagar's artist statement, she "invites you to explore the space between dreams and states of consciousness in an intimate environment— with large multimedia drawings, a “Mud God” made of clay, and hundreds of suspended floating elements. Each piece begins with a gestural expression of the hand, from the initial searching graphite lines on paper to the wet dark clay of a life-size ceramic creature."

This will be Sagar's third exhibition at Form+Content, after A Fertile Emptiness in 2018 and What Remains in 2022.

Sight Between
On view September 26–November 2
Opening reception September 28, 4:00–7:00 p.m.
Form+Content Gallery (Minneapolis)

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