What will AI mean for art, artists and musicians? | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

What will AI mean for art, artists and musicians?

July 23, 2024
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The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into art and music is reshaping creative landscapes. In a recent MPR News episode, experts, including Tim Brunelle, an MCAD adjunct professor, discussed how AI tools are revolutionizing artistic expression.

AI is increasingly involved in generating visual art and composing music, sparking debates about its impact on human creativity. While some see AI as a tool for innovation, others question its role in the creative process. Despite uncertainties, many artists and musicians embrace AI as a collaborative partner. They use AI algorithms to create unique visuals and compose music with AI-generated melodies. This intersection of AI and art presents a dynamic exploration of technology's role in creativity.

As we navigate this evolving landscape, one thing is clear: the fusion of AI and artistic expression continues to shape the future of creativity in profound and unpredictable ways. 

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