Wirth and Ryan Address Book Censorship in "Banned" Group Exhibition | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Wirth and Ryan Address Book Censorship in "Banned" Group Exhibition

September 22, 2024
Karen Wirth, "Chained Library"

Metro State University's Gordon Parks Gallery will present BANNED, an evocative exhibition responding to the global trend of book censorship.

The exhibition includes contributions from Professor Emeritus Karen Wirth, Cathy Ryan ‘07, and other prominent figures. Their works range from altered books and photographs to letterpress prints and sculptural objects, each reflecting the theme of challenged or restricted reading materials.

This event aligns with Banned Book Week (September 22-28), amplifying the dialogue on censorship and its implications.

September 16–October 17, 2024
Metro State University Gordon Parks Gallery (Saint Paul, MN)

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