January 07, 2025 Image David Ruhlman ’20 David Ruhlman ’20 debuts his delightfully absurd, humorous, and thought-provoking gallery Yogi Not Yogi - the Messenger at the Alice R. Rogers and Target Gallery on January 21. The inspiration for his surrealist mixed media works comes from a painting he bought at a garage sale over a decade ago. He’d purchased David Rode Harding’s painting Yogi Yogi Road, which depicts Yogi Bear standing behind Yogi from Indian mythology on a road.This kick started his fascination with Yogi Bear as a trickster god and dual-identity figure, which serves as the core exploration in his newest exhibit. He uses mixed media such as paintings, collages, found objects, sculpture, and ink on paper to mimic and parody artists such as Albrecht Dürer, changing the main subjects to be various Hanna-Barbara characters. His gallery will remain on display until March 11.Yogi Not Yogi- The MessengerAlice R. Rogers and Target Gallery (Collegeville, MN)January 21—March 11, 2025Learn moreYogi Not Yogi - The Messenger(www.csbsju.edu)Yogi Yogi Road (davidruhlman.com) Explore more about David Ruhlman