Online Classes and Programs Make work. Advance your career. Learn online at your own pace.MCAD offers several online classes and programs. Take a stand-alone course, combine courses for a short certificate, or enroll in an online graduate degree.Master of Arts in Sustainable Design (30 credits, 10 courses)Master of Arts in Graphic and Web Design (30 credits, 10 courses)Design Foundations Certificate (3 courses)Web Development Certificate (5 courses)Biomimicry Certificate (3 courses)User Experience (UX) Certificate (2 courses)Continuing Education Online Course CatalogCurrent Online CoursesAbout MCAD Online LearningMost online courses at MCAD are asynchronous, meaning you will not have set class meeting times. Instead, courses are project-based with two to three deadlines per week, and you can choose a time and place that works best for you to complete your work. Course activities may include readings, video demonstrations and tutorials, discussions, projects, and critiques.