Alumni In Action - Amanda George | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni In Action - Amanda George


Amanda George, an Alumni student in the MA in Sustainable Design program, living in Sheffield, England took some time out of her schedule to talk with me about being a student in this program. She has also created a mini sustainable design series called “My Little Project.” 

When did you graduate from the MASD program in Sustainable Design?

May 2023

What are you currently doing or working on?

I have been working on sustainability social posts, primarily LinkedIn, focused on the basics of sustainability principles and resources. I am spending my free time learning Blender and Figma, as well as helping anyone who comes to me with sustainability questions. 

What is the most exciting or inspiring thing you're working on now?

Nearly a year after obtaining my MA, I wanted to refresh my learning and stay updated on sustainability movements. To help share my knowledge (and keep me motivated to learn) I started posting sustainability and design content on my LinkedIn and occasionally on Instagram. I refer to it as “My Little Project.” Right now I am covering basic sustainability information but I plan to expand to more design-specific topics as I continue.


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What has been your proudest moment or project in sustainability or sustainable design?

 My thesis was a turning point in my sustainability journey. I based my project on a previous employer; I found a relevant sustainability standard and worked through the checklist as a consultant or industry professional would. The company was even further behind than I had anticipated, and there was little interest in improvement. Despite this, I finished my project and presented it to my supervisor. It was nothing more than a blip on their radar. This entire experience confirmed that I was not satisfied working in a corporate environment with no regards to sustainability. Up until this point I thought I would be able to “tough it out,” but this project cemented my commitment to sustainability and opened my eyes to the many possible directions I could take my degree. I was proud of myself for recognizing my value and knowledge, and knowing when to walk away.

 What sustainability or sustainable design projects are you looking forward to working on? 

I am looking forward to continuing my social media project, but also bringing my sustainability ideals wherever my career takes me. Design is a powerful tool to wield when solving complex problems, and it becomes even more powerful when used to improve our collective circumstances. I also believe that sustainability education is critical. People want to do better and we can give them the tools and information to do so. I would like to keep creating sustainability content and helping friends, family, and anybody that is willing in their sustainability journeys.

How have you applied what you learned in the program?

Sustainable design can be applied to so many aspects of life! The MCAD program showed me that sustainability can (and must) happen at high levels and in our personal lives to be successful. My current lifestyle is largely shaped by my understanding of sustainability principles - taking public transportation, shopping locally or secondhand when available, and supporting entities that care for the planet.

What were the most important or useful things that you learned in the program? 

Systems thinking has been integral in my understanding of sustainability and social issues. Many systems come together to create unsustainable situations, which means we must work within each of the contributing systems to deconstruct and redesign our way to a better future. If I could stress one aspect of the program to prospective students, it would be systems thinking.

What did you learn in the program that you wish everyone would learn?

One of the most eye-opening lessons from the program was that society has known how to do better for a long time. Some sustainability frameworks were developed decades ago, and entire populations of people have been living in harmony with their environment for millennia. Sustainability is a problem we are more than capable of solving. We need to understand how to do better, but we also need to understand why that information has been kept from us, and who benefits when we remain in the dark. 

What recommendations do you have for people considering a career in sustainable design?

Sustainability is a complex and systemic issue. Almost any role can benefit from an understanding of sustainability principles, and all industries can be more responsible. Don’t be afraid to speak up about potential improvements you see in your workplace even if it is outside of your role.

If you had a magic wand and could completely solve one sustainability problem, what would it be?

Comprehensive public transportation would be beneficial in multiple capacities. Fewer cars on the road means reduced emissions, more space for pedestrians and cyclists, and quieter cities. Better transportation also increases accessibility to jobs, food, and entertainment for underserved communities and folks with mobility issues.

Learn More About 

Amanda George, MA '23