Student Degree Areas of Study Animation Location Austin/Round Rock, Texas Describe the work you submitted for merits. Since mine was an animation exhibit I submitted a sort of merit demo-reel which showcased the best of my work in both the 2D and 3D worlds and played it on a tv. Behind the screen, I hung up a massive banner with a pattern I made printed on it to act as a backdrop. Lastly, I hung character designs and animation style frames to the sides of the monitor to give a glimpse into the process. Why did you decide to come to MCAD? Straight up, it was the scholarships—but since coming here, I have learned so much, it's insane. I am so thankful for the guidance and criticism my professors and peers have provided and I only hope I can take it all to the next step. What's next for your practice? Anything you're really excited to make? Right now I'm focusing on shapes and understanding volume, especially that of the human body. I'm studying and drawing like crazy. It's funny but when describing what I'm going through with a friend of mine he often says "Oh, so you're in a training arc", a reference to something you'd find in an animated tv show. I like that because, just like the character in the show, I am working towards a goal greater than myself. Nowhere to go but forward. Favorite thing about college life (so far)? That's kinda hard to answer. I love so much about where I'm at right now. The people I'm surrounded by the most bring a lot of happiness into my life, shoutout to Ian Kim, Nicky D, and Rowan Keenan! The mentors that I have, especially the ones in the animation department, love what they do and have so much to offer. The location is so-so, I just like more rural places (no hate towards the Twin Cities). MCAD, just like most other art institutions, gives the most when you put in the most. Kinda old school but I love it that way. What's the best thing you've got from MCAD's free shelf? Art supplies, you can never have enough! What inspires you? Inspiration is everywhere. I feel the world around you is so wildly full of inspiring things that it baffles me when people say things like "I wasn't inspired enough to make anything." Being able to observe the world around you is such a pivotal part of being an artist and I think that if you aren't using observation to its fullest and not feeling inspired as a result then you aren't caring enough about your work. The day I stop being inspired is the day I stopped caring. That, or I'm like 94 and on my deathbed. Do you have a favorite piece you've made? Describe it! I'm growing as we speak so my favorite work changes as time goes by. Right now it's something that I am currently working on which are character designs for a future animation project. It's got clean, confident line-work, explosive personality, and is all made to tell a story at a single glance. Anything you're obsessed with at the moment? Loving those around me and getting a wonderful eight hours of sleep. What do you have planned for after graduation? Well, my number one goal is to start up my own animation studio and produce feature films out of it. Being realistic though I'd most definitely work in the industry for a while first. For certain the first move I'm gonna make is move to California. After that, it all depends on how much I've been networking and applying for jobs before then which I hope by that point is a lot. Work Link to Work Detail