Jessica Tevik | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Jessica Tevik

Portrait photograph of Jessica Tevik

  • Student

Areas of Study
Fine Arts Studio
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Describe the work you submitted for merits.

The work I submitted for the merit scholarship was mostly focused on my exploration of photographic artists' books. I use photographs I've taken to create unique and sometimes abstract artists' books often using recycled papers and included scraps from previous projects.

Nature inspired artist book by Jessica Tevik.

What's next for your practice? Anything you're really excited to make?

Mostly exponentiating my understanding for the art of photography and bookmaking and the blending of them. I'm excited to make more structurally complex "books" incorporating photographs and objects into the works and focusing on incorporating as many sustainable materials as possible as that is very deeply rooted in my inspiration and intentions as an artist.

Why did you decide to come to MCAD?

I wanted to gracefully put down my previous careers of massage therapy and organic farming to give more space and opportunity to my consistent love for all things art. I've always had a deep fondness specifically for photography and wanted to explore the possibility of a career in the field to then also be able to freely explore my love for the healing arts and farming as hobbies rather than trying to make a living on it.

Favorite thing about college life (so far)?

The exploration of self through art and the exponential doorways into what is possible in that world.

What's the best thing you've got from MCAD's free shelf?

A box full of assorted leather and fabric samples!

Anything you're obsessed with at the moment?

Birds, nests, and bones!

Accordion folded photography by Jessica Tevik.

What inspires you?

Primarily the natural world.

Do you have a favorite piece you've made? Describe it!

It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think my work Red Tales is up there. It was my first real container book project and I just love the dimensions it holds. It is contained within a thrifted wooden box decorated with original printed photographic textures and filled with recycled papers scraps formed into a nest also containing found objects. The lid opens up to reveal 2 folded "books" and hidden underneath the box there is a folded poem. The theme of the work is the life and death of birds, most specifically birds of prey and serves as an ode to their existence and their depth of presence but also to bring attention to their demise in many parts of the world. Throughout my travels, especially living on the west coast for many years, I would often find at least one dead bird of prey a day, sometimes more, on the side of the road or in the wild. Often, this was due to their consumption of rat poison upon preying near farms that use it. Most of the time the birds I would find would be owls, but I found several other kinds as well.

"Red Tales" by Jessica Tevik.