Leah Kehr | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Leah Kehr

Photograph of Leah Kehr.

  • Student

Areas of Study
Graphic Design
Mora, Minnesota

Describe the work you submitted for merits.

I tried to include a lot of the variety that the MCAD foundation classes helped me explore throughout my first few semesters here.

What's next for your practice? Anything you're really excited to make?

Now that I have my foundation classes mostly out of the way I'm super excited to explore more into my graphic design major.

Why did you decide to come to MCAD?

MCAD matched all of my needs and seemed like the best environment for me to be happy and successful in my art career—and I was right! It's already been an amazing experience and I can't think of a better place for me and my future.

Favorite thing about college life (so far)?

Although being on my own is a lot of work and responsibility, the freedom is so nice and fun to have. It has helped me learn more about who I am and that's pretty cool.

What's the best thing you've got from MCAD's free shelf?

No free shelf this year because of covid :( super psyched to religiously use it next semester though.

Anything you're obsessed with at the moment?

Sitting outside on the MCAD lawn with friends on nice days.

Drawing final by Leah Kehr.

What inspires you?

My fellow classmates have had the most influence on my art this year. They all never fail to amaze me and that pushes me to work harder for own work.

Do you have a favorite piece you've made? Describe it!

One of my favorites from this school year is definitely a stop-motion animation I had to do for Media 1. I ended up having a lot of fun with it and was super proud of the outcome. MCAD ended up reposting it on their Instagram so that was cool!

Still life by Leah Kehr.