Michael Lonchar | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Michael Lonchar

Installation art by Michael Lonchar
Michael Lonchar

  • Student

Areas of Study
Web and Multimedia Environments

Senior, Web and Multimedia Environments
Hearst Senior Web and Multimedia Merit Scholarship $4,000
Online Portfolio

What kind of work are you excited to make next?

A lot more collaborative work and more large new media installations.

What are your hopes/goals for your senior year? And beyond?

I like the comfort of the school environment but I want to start applying to grants and residencies soon, so my senior year goal is to just graduate as soon as possible and experiment while I can. My first goal is to begin a YouTube channel with my sister we've been planning to make that discusses the social systems that have contributed to the current capitalist hellscape of our country. Next, I want to become a big brother. After that just depends on the opportunities I'm able to find.

Best thing you ever got on the free shelf?

A bag of fresh croissants.

Current obsession?


Work by Michael Lonchar

Work by Michael Lonchar

Work by Michael Lonchar

Work by Michael Lonchar