Ngan Huynh | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Ngan Huynh

Interior space value drawing by Ngan Huynh.


Areas of Study


Describe the work you submitted for merits.

The works I submitted for merits bring me pride because they show me the new experiences and skills I have gained while studying at MCAD during my first year. They are like time capsules because whenever I look at them, they bring back memories of things I have learned during each project, and those things are essential to me. There are mistakes that I can spot but I'm not ashamed of them because these mistakes will help to contribute toward my art career as I go on.

What's next for your practice? Anything you're really excited to make?

I'm planning to apply what I have learned from my MCAD professors and classmates into my personal works this summer.

Why did you decide to come to MCAD?

I never thought that MCAD would be my go-to school but I decided to give it a try because I was charmed by the scholarships and programs it offered. I'm glad I did because I got to learn and experience so many new things as a learning artist. For example, I never thought I would be capable of knowing how to weld and how to edit videos. Before I came to MCAD, these weren't the kinds of things I would be interested in, but I'm glad MCAD foundation studies had offered me an opportunity to try out each of them because I have come to love them all. These classes will help expand my skill to make my artworks more interesting.

Photograph from Media 1 by Ngan Huynh.

Favorite thing about college life (so far)?

Eat Street is a never-ending adventure that I adore. Also, movie nights with my friends!

What's the best thing you've got from MCAD's free shelf?

A box filled with palettes and many beautiful sketchbooks.

Anything you're obsessed with at the moment?

Playing The Sims 4! This game really makes me want to learn about architecture and interior design.

What inspires you?

Many things, including everyone's works at MCAD that are on display—they are so talented!

Tarot set by Ngan Huynh.

Tarot set by Ngan Huynh.

Tarot set by Ngan Huynh.