Teaching Art and Design Online Series Certificate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Teaching Art and Design Online Series Certificate

Learn strategies to develop high-quality, online courses that help artists and designers facilitate the creative process remotely and conduct critiques effectively online.

Three five-week courses; offered fully online.

Total cost: $1230 for noncredit, $2565 for 3 credits

Person looking at print color up close


  • The Essentials of Online Course Design (5 weeks); $420 noncredit, $855 for 1 credit
  • Facilitating the Creative Process (5 weeks); $420 noncredit, $855 for 1 credit
  • Online Critique (5 weeks); $420 noncredit, $855 for 1 credit


  • Gain an overview of instructional design concepts, such as backward design, Bloom’s Taxonomy, types of interactivity, Universal Design for Learning, accessibility, and faculty presence.
  • Review general phases of the creative process, components of an art/design work, chunking and scaffolding, transparency in grading, rubrics, Universal Design for Learning in relationship to presentations/demonstrations, and various forms of interaction.
  • Learn about group agreements, community building, understanding bias/blindspots/growth mindset, giving and receiving feedback, in-process versus final critiques, and documenting work.

Student Testimonial “I wanted to learn about teaching online specifically for art and design. I knew nothing about this topic. The three-part course was really informative, and topical. I learned a great deal.”