Discover a personal means of depicting the figure with accuracy, sensitivity, and expression. Course descriptionThe act of drawing from the live human form can feel intimidating. The key to success lies in a sound understanding of the creative problem-solving process, in combination with an acknowledgment and recognition of one's own "creative DNA." To aid in these endeavors, engage in studio exercises with supplemental discussions, presentations, readings, and researching figure drawing artists. In addition, learn a degree of figurative art history, hear about recent research done on the creative workings of the human mind, and discuss classical ideas regarding education. Through this rich approach, discover a personal means of depicting the figure with accuracy, sensitivity, and expression. Initial studio time is focused on a series of brief exercises devised to develop both observational skills and the ability to draw the figure proportionately in a limited amount of time. Successive sessions cover topics such as composition, perspective, anatomy, and the concept of the critique, as more in-depth processes are applied to longer poses. / Materials fee of $95 included in course tuition. Open to students ages 18 and above. Review complete policies, including class cancellation policies, before completing your registration.Class meeting detailsThis class meets in person on MCAD’s campus.PrerequisitesPrevious drawing experience is required.Required materialsSupplies for the first class 18 x 24” newsprint pad 18 x 24” drawing paper pad 6B soft charcoal pencil white charcoal pencil 2 boxes extra soft vine charcoal (not willow) 2 pack black conte crayons (2B) pen eraser white eraser kneaded eraser Optional supplies 18 x 24” drawing boardStudents should expect to spend approximately $50 on supplies in addition to course tuition.What to wear Clothes appropriate for messy creativity. Class savings Register on or before January 20 and save $25.Register for more than one class at a time and receive $25 off each additional class (same-day registrations only).Additional savings. Are you eligible? Questions? Contact MCAD Continuing Education at or call 612.874.3765. Register Title Non-credit Tuition $560.00 Tuition Type Non-credit TuitionOne Credit Tuition Student's Legal First Name Student's Legal Last Name Student Birthdate Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year192519261927192819291930193119321933193419351936193719381939194019411942194319441945194619471948194919501951195219531954195519561957195819591960196119621963196419651966196719681969197019711972197319741975197619771978197919801981198219831984198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020 I agree to the following registration terms and conditions. Date: Thu, Feb 13, 2025 - Thu, Apr 17, 2025 Time: 6:30–9:30 p.m. CST Day(s) of the week: Thursday Ages: Open to students ages 18 and above. Term: Spring 2025 Instructor: Susan Shields Location: In Person SKU: CSFA 3303 01 SP25 Prerequisites: Previous drawing experience is required.