2015 Walker Design Insights Lectures | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

2015 Walker Design Insights Lectures

For more than 25 years, the Walker Art Center and AIGA Minnesota have collaborated to bring leading design practitioners to the Twin Cities for the annual Insights Design Lecture Series and number of our graduate design students were able to attend this March.

The Walker has an amazing line up of designers that came to share the thinking, processes, and methods behind their work. This year was kicked off with a special evening that featured both a talk by the Walker's Andrew Blauvdelt and an exhibition opening celebrating Minnesota design. From there, design legend April Greiman (Los Angeles), artist collective/trend forecasters K-HOLE (New York), experimental designer Bart de Baets (Amsterdam), and Design Fiction proponent, James Langdon (Liverpool).

Learn more:

Watch the lectures here


Lecturers websites:

April Greiman


Bart de Baets

James Langdon
