3M Workshop | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

3M Workshop

3M and MCAD have embarked on a semester long workshop to design a new family of products with the singular inspiration of origami. 3M’s Senior Design Manager Christian R. Trifilio and MCAD professor George Mahoney have generated a brief for the class that is challenging the students to design three furniture objects. MCAD’s MFA program is represented in this course by Beata Fleischmann, Ping Ji, and Steven Listwon. Beata’s group has been charged to design a free standing object. Ping’s group is developing a wall mounted furniture piece. Steve’s group is designing a wall mounted lighting sconce. Each group consists of one MFA student and a mix of undergraduate students that are focused in graphic design, furniture design, or entrepreneurial studies. The intensive workshop will end with each group presenting a proof of concept, a packaging solution, and a branding strategy at 3M’s global headquarters just outside of St. Paul, MN. 3M has the option to proceed with further design development with teams that are fostering an idea that the company is interested in including into their new product lines.
