Adam Alexander Hamilton '14, Painting/Installation | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Adam Alexander Hamilton '14, Painting/Installation

“I am not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”-Woody Allen 

The core of my thesis work aims to reflect the perplexing nature of the ephemeral world by considering the power of emptiness and the curious absurdity of a modern spiritual pursuit. I created art that questions a fear of the sublime, the illusion of control, and the signals and signs of life’s ineffable mystery.

I encourage the viewer to leave preconceptions behind in order to explore a narrative amalgam of two-dimensional and three-dimensional work, illustrating reflections of my research findings, personal experiences, and various interpretations of the impermanent nature of life through installation. Some portions of the installation were constructed with the use of found objects, combined with hand-made elements in support of the history they inherently possess. There are investigations with painting and stark geometric pattern, in addition to sound as an experiential element, challenging and reacting to the stationary elements of the whole.

I am inspired here by the thundering silence of the void, interpreted as a signal indicating the importance of the present moment, devoid of the extraneous needs of the mind’s built-in safety mechanisms and distorted expectations. This work is ultimately a simple mediation on form and formlessness through the lens of absurdity.

Brought to you in Technicolor.
