Alanna Stapleton / Artists in the Kitchen | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alanna Stapleton / Artists in the Kitchen

In December 2017, 50 women artists were paired with 50 women chef-restaurateur from the Twin Cities. Recognizing that women in the restaurant business and women in the arts face similar career barriers, these teams of women joined forces in an "innovative partnership whereby chefs are inspiring artists to produce new artworks, culminating in an exhibition." Artists in the Kitchen opened at the Textile Center in Minneapolis in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of Women Chefs & Restaurateurs nation conference. "To honor the mission of Textile Center, each of the artists is incorporating a textile process, material, or sensibility in their completed work."

2nd year MFA illustrator Alanna Stapleton was partnered with Anne Rucker of Bogart's Doughnut Co. Rucker welcomed Stapleton into the kitchen of her doughnut company where they talked about the joys and struggles of their respective hobbies becoming their careers.

Stapleton says of their collaboration and the work she created in response:

"Stepping behind the scenes at Bogart's Doughnut Co. with Anne to see her process was such a treat. Both Anne and I work with our hands to transform something ordinary into works of art. In Anne's case, flour and sugar; in my case, fabric and thread. My practice as a maker is deeply influence by everyday routine and repetitive processes. We talked about knowing your process inside and out, but always experimenting and letting the familiar surprise you."

Photos by Libby Wiswall and Alanna Stapleton.


For More Information:

Alanna Stapleton
Bogart's Doughnut Co.
Artists in the Kitchen
Textile Center
Star Tribune Article
