Alanna Stapleton + Zoe Cinel / Zine Workshop | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alanna Stapleton + Zoe Cinel / Zine Workshop

This December, 2nd year MFA students Alanna Stapleton and Zoe Cinel presented a workshop on zines as part of Patrick's Cabaret Artist Education series. Patrick's Cabaret is a "queer-led performance art incubator supporting the growth and development of artists on the edge of culture."

In collaboration with Pangea World Theater and Soo Visual Arts Center, the Artist Education workshop programming helps to create collaborative spaces for artists to share their skills with the community, to strengthen relationships, and build resilience.

Stapleton and Cinel's workshop, Zines: A Crash Course, addressed the fundamentals and possibilities of the zine format. Workshop attendees learned about the popular format of self-published, easily reproduced, self-expression, and discovered ways that zines could benefit their artistic practice personally and publicly. Through discovering bookmaking techniques and discussing ways to incorporate zines into their next exhibition or event, attendees were encouraged to make, print, and share because every voice matters, and zines are a powerful way to communicate ideas that you're passionate about, no permission needed.

Photography by Zoe Cinel and Alanna Stapleton.

For more information:

Patrick's Cabaret
Soo Visual Arts Center
Pangea World Theater
Alanna Stapleton
Zoe Cinel