Allison Brown / 2016 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Allison Brown / 2016 Thesis Candidate

When so much of our digital identity is comprised of selected fictions, Allison Brown crafts fictions that live in those spaces as truth. The majority of her work is grounded in her working-class childhood in south-central Indiana. Feminism, politics, and class are central lenses through which she construct her narratives; populism versus authority acts as the tension that colors context during distribution.

She questions: How does format legitimize my character’s struggle? Do institutional frameworks magnify the importance of my stories? Often, the most difficult aspect of being known is the number of people who witness your truth—and the amount of powerful people who lift you up to be witnessed in the first place.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 13th at our new MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Allison's thesis work along with the other 2016 graduates.

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Allison Brown online